Kraftpack’s sustainable packaging :
Is beneficial, safe & healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle
Optimizes the use of renewable or recyclable materials and sustainably managed sources(FSC certified paperboard)
Is physically designed to optimize materials and energy
Is manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices
Meets market criteria for performance and cost
Is effectively recovered and utilized in biological and/or industrial closed loop cycles
Kraftpack’s sustainable operation:
Is to the development and use of renewable resources (bamboo pulp products) as raw materials
Focus on the development of biodegradable plastic products and plastic-free paper products
Is actively promotion unbleached natural color products
Continues to optimize the production process
Kraftpack’s social responsibility:
Is to provide safe and healthy products for consumers
Is to provide fair employment opportunities and better career development for our employees
Is to provide a pleasant working environment and better benefits for our employees
Is to create more jobs and taxes for local communities
Kraftpack is one of the leading manufacturers of paper and plastic based food-service packaging products in China. With our large range of products, Kraftpack can support the need of every types of clients from a small coffee shop to large global chains.
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